Five Practical Tips for Saving Money

Too often the mindset of not having enough to save stops us from ever starting. Fortunately, even small, manageable changes to our money habits can make a significant difference, especially in the long run! Let’s look at five practical money saving tips you can implement today:
The 30-Day Spending Rule.
To help you avoid making large impulse purchases, take 30 days to decide whether the purchase is necessary. Go through the pros and cons of why you think you need this item. By simply waiting a month to make a purchase, you may feel like it is not necessary and, therefore, save money you would have spent.
Buy Generic When You Can.
Do you buy products based on their cost or their brand name? In most instances, the generic version of products may be just as effective. By doing so, you can save a few dollars here and there on your grocery or pharmaceutical bill.
Make Dinner at Home.
Instead of spending money to eat out at restaurants or fast-food chains, make dinner at home. Not only will you save money, but the meals you make might also be healthier too.
Find Out What Your Library Has to Offer.
A library is more than just a place to borrow books. You may be able to check out movies and video games, use the internet and participate in a variety of events and activities.
Review your subscriptions.
Another simple way to start saving is to see if there is a better price available for any subscriptions you have. Also, think about how important it is to you. If you don’t get much use out of it, maybe it’s time to get rid of it.
When you’re ready to start saving, we welcome you to stop by one of our branches to open a savings account that’s right for you!